Timeless Press
The Timeless Press team is made up of professionals who came together after being approached by the Author with the initial book manuscript. They were asked to find or create a means of garnering exposure for Free Your Mind, Your Life Will Follow, and in the beginning the manuscript was simply passed around to friends and associates for their thoughts. The response was overwhelming – nearly everyone loved it, and the few who weren’t thrilled actually reacted so strongly that they couldn't get past the first chapter because it had struck such a sensitive nerve! After seeing firsthand the passionate responses that are elicited by this powerful book, and after hearing from the many people whose lives have already been beautifully transformed, Timeless Press was created in order to give Free Your Mind, Your Life Will Follow the exposure it deserves... and especially to create the possibility of touching more lives in a positive way.

As the company grows, Timeless Press intends to selectively take on more titles in the future, based purely upon the potential of each to improve the human condition in a significant and tangible way. If you’d like to submit a manuscript, please send an email query to: info@TimelessPress.com

About the Author
In this age of shameless self-promotion for both fame and profit, it might be surprising to come across a book written by someone who consciously chooses to remain anonymous. In this case, the intention is to focus on the information alone so that the integrity of the work is not compromised by undue attention being given to any particular individual, including the Author. Even though such a stance brings to a screeching halt the possibility of interviews, book signings, and other standard means of promotion, the Author felt it necessary and proper to remain unrecognized and simply allow the work to speak for itself.