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Free Your Mind, Your Life Will Follow
... the title of this unique book says so much! Many people seek to improve their lives, but most have never been asked or encouraged to truly push themselves beyond their own fundamental patterns of thought. Yes, there are many books and teachings available to help with this in various ways, and they often discuss such topics as overcoming self-defeating patterns, thinking positively, becoming more "spiritual," etc., but in nearly every case, the actual fundamental causes of our habitual thought patterns are generally overlooked. Our thoughts so often come from our most deeply held beliefs, and the book begins by bringing this concept to light in a manner that encourages readers to reflect, recognize, and seriously consider the underlying beliefs that constantly and often unconsciously impact their lives on a daily basis.

As the book unfolds, Free Your Mind, Your Life Will Follow progresses to the next phase by sharing insights and guidelines from a perspective that is both unconventional and revolutionary. The information covers the most important aspects of our lives, including happiness, self-esteem, relationships, success, health, and much more. One chapter is devoted primarily to manifesting inner peace, and it includes a powerful meditation technique as well as specific information that can help readers to tangibly understand true spirituality through actual sensory experience, both internal and external.

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About the Author
In this age of shameless self-promotion for both fame and profit, it might be surprising to come across a book written by someone who consciously chooses to remain anonymous. In this case, the intention is to focus on the information alone so that the integrity of the work is not compromised by undue attention being given to any particular individual, including the Author. Even though such a stance brings to a screeching halt the possibility of interviews, book signings, and other standard means of promotion, the Author felt it necessary and proper to remain unrecognized and simply allow the work to speak for itself.